Power name: Shinobi Description: smiles power Price: 300 xats in store Availability: Limited Smilies available with this power: (shinobi) (shislash) (shishur) (shisais) (shinun) (lily) (shifight) (orchid) (shiescape) (shichallenge) (shicarve) (shibow) (shibo) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Shi1 (hat#hn) Shi2 (hat#ho) Shi3 (hat#hb) Note: pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ […]
Power name: Mobilebeta Description: Mobile smilies and access to Android Beta. Price: 200 xats in store Availability: Unlimited Smilies available with this power: (mobilebeta) (moalarm) (moalert) (moback) (mocall) (mochat) (moselfie) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Mochat (hat#hc) Moselfie (hat#hs) Note: pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ […]
Floral power released with your spring smilies
Power name: Floral Description: Floral spring smiles. Price: 200 xats in store Availability: Limited Smilies available with this power: (floral) (daffodil) (daisy) (gladiolus) (hydrangea) (lily) (lilyvalley) (orchid) (poppy) (snowdrop) (tulip) (viola) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Floral (hat#hf) Lily (hat#hl) Orchid (hat#ho) Poppy (hat#hp) Tulip (hat#ht) Note: pawn codes are case-sensitive and […]
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