
7 years ago a man approached me asking if I would help him. He told me “do not take it personal if things do not work out.” I was given Trade. Through the years, we have had our share of good times. Parties, laughter, singing, pool tournaments, anniversaries, making of videos, holidays, dreams, and in reality becoming a family. We have also had our bad. Trades big hack, staff leaving, people quiting just to name a few.

I always love seeing people come back, even if its just to visit. It lights me up inside. Even though they have gone away, they are never far from our hearts. Just to know that trade meant something to them to return and say hi and to update us on their new adventures, means alot.

We have had our share of owners. Nitro, Goldy, Firo, Brandon, Cody, Vale, Ghosty, just to name a few. Each one has left an impression on us and impacted our lives for the good.
We have had mods come and go. Dario, Lou, Gizzy, Sprite, Charlie,Spider, Ana, Daisy, Oana,Mimi, Ziggy, Katrina, Eric, and many more to share in our memories and add to that photo book in our heart.
I love that trade welcomes people from ALL walks of life. In very few other chats can you go and be welcomed openly despite what language you speak. Other chats may have followed but Trade was the founder of this.
I have always been proud, that with help of a translator, you can speak to anyone virtually anywhere. Some of my best friends on xat speak Spanish, or Arabic, or Turkish or German.

Trade means more to me then each of you will will ever, ever know. Not because I am main. Not because I get to make rules. Not because I feel boss. But for EACH AND EVERY one of you and the way you have impacted my life for the better. I love sharing your stories. I love hearing of you families, or school,or sports, or even of your pets. I love knowing that if any one of you had an issue, mainly non xat related, and needed advice, you came to me. I love being a big part of your life. For that I thank you. My Family

For the past 7 years, we’ve profited from your expertise; the time’s past due for us to say a big special thank you, to you Christina, on behalf of all Trade. In those 7 years, you’ve contributed skill, time, ideas, energy and loyalty. We would like to honor you today by showing you gratitude and support from all of us here. I’m sure you guys all agree with me. We just want you to know that you’re appreciated. Your leadership and ability to get things done are an inspiration to us all, and I consider myself lucky to have the privilege of working with someone like you. You make even the tedious job a lovely learning process. You’ve taught us that every mistake is just a learning experience.

I really appreciate the time that I have spent working with you on both a professional and personal level. And the fact that you’ve never lost your temper on the faults of us. Working with you is and will always remain exceptional. Thank you for everything that you’ve done.

Shortly, you will be receiving this (gold#) power. Please accept it as a small gift that represents a big thank you for your skill and dedication for trade. And keep that swag running!


Tina; I love you. You’re the best main this chat will ever have and no one is going to able to compare. The fact you’re getting removed for utter nonsense is complete shit and I hope admins notice the mistake they’ve made.