Its a new pawn which require to have every single powers that XAT made as non rares, rares, groups and epics for be able to use it. The command that you must have to do for make it work it is (hat#hR), the R in the hat code must be uppercase and it will look […]
New power (POKER)
Get ready for xat’s newest power (poker). Smilies are: (poker) (pclubs) (pobluff) (pochips) (pod) (pogirl) (poplayer) (povip) (powin) (poyay) (pspades) (pdiamonds) (phearts) and limited hats are available: Chip (hat#hh) Playcard (hat#hc). Check twitter for the latest updates on it’s release method and price.
Newest power: KPIG
This weeks newest power is yet another set of kaoani smileys: KPIG. This power allows you to do some pretty cool smileys including: (kpigangry) (kpigback) (kpigball) (kpigfraz) (kpiglove) (kpigmad) (kpigmud) (kpigpals) (kpigsleep) (kpigsnoot) (kpigwrite). You can use this power as backs for smileys by using #kpigback for any yellow smiley. (oink oink)
Back to old trade! (No ID trading)
ID selling is no longer allowed on xattrade due to the recent and numerous complaints. Please take this information into account and remove ID selling / buying in both name and status.
New power (burningheart) releases!
Show your burning love for xat with this weeks newest power: (burningheart). This special power allows you to choose if you want fire in the front or in the back of the smiley! For the front type #burningheart code at the end (eg. (cool#burningheart)) . For the back try: #bheart code at the end (eg. (cool#bheart)). […]
Aliens power arrived
This week xat gave us a power from space! Stay tunned people Aliens arrived on xat! Smilie are: (aliens) (alilaugh) (alidead) (aliclap) (alid) (alilove) (aliscratch) (alitalk) (alicry) (alitongue) (aliyay) (aliback) . We also got a gback back (aliback) and 2 limited pawns Alien (hat#ha) UFO (hat#hu) . Follow twitter for the latest news about the […]
Olympic Power
This week xat release a new power , tribute to a very special event that takes place once on 4 years : The Olympic Games. Olympic Game Smilies are : (olympic) (bronzem) (goldm) (oboxing) (ocycling) (odiving) (ogymnastics) (ohurdles) (orowing) (orunning) (oswimming) (otennis) (otorch) (ovolleyball) (silverm), and we also have some limited pawns: Medal (hat#hm) Torch […]
Next Power is DoodleRace
This week xat brings us a new group power called DoodleRace. This power allows you to compete with others by creating the best doodle. To use the DoodleRace power, first get it from Powers , then click Games at the left, then click DoodleRace. Type (doodlerace) in your chat and assign the power, and then […]
Moustache Power Released
This week xat released the new power a litle bit lately than expected, but in the end we got it: Moustache Power. Smilies are: (moustache) (moustache1) (moustache2) (moustache3) (moustache4) (moustache5) (moustache6) (moustache7) (moustache8) (moustache9) . Moustache is not limited power and is on store for 100 xats. Enjoy!
Next power will be WHIRLFX
For this weekend xat brings us a new power called whirlfx, a new and complex efect for our smilies. Add a whirl effect to your smilies! (whirlfx). You can customize with (whirlfx#wSVAR) where SVAR can be 0-9. 0 gives default. S:Size, V:vertical speed, A:angular speed, R:ratio of globes to spins. This new limited power will […]
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