Xat has decided to release a power like no others. It’s a bot power that is currently being tested. The only information xat has released so far is that it is power 150, it will come with some bot smileys, and that it will allow you to put a bot to a group.
Xat.mx News.
Hi, so with this post, I’m just letting all the users know that we are gonna be updating the Allpowers set on Xat.mx every Monday, or whenever there is a new power released. And it goes by the minimum prices, and the maximum prices. Tatu and I, are gonna be working on that.
(carve) power has been released!
Well folks, it seems as if xat decided to quickly release a new power for halloween called “(carve)”. Here’s the info. Smileys: (carve) (carveduh) (carvegrin) (carvescream) (carvesly) (carvesmile) Bonus smileys : (dracula) (grim2) (pknhide) (pknhide) has options like: (pknhide#w1) (D#pknhide#w2) Hats: droplet: (hat#ho) cat: (hat#hn) vampire: (hat#hv) spider: (hat#hi) blood: (hat#hl)
(spooky) power has been released!
Get ready to be scared with the new (spooky) power! Smileys: (spooky) (sixeyes) (bat2) (blackcat) (blackwidow) (ghost2) (plant) (hockeymask) (pumpkin3d) Flix: Candles, Organ, Spider. Owl, Evil eyes, Cat (with backgrounds Pumpkins, Owl. Evil eyes, and Cat) Hats: (no hats were found!)
(spooky) power currently being tested!
As you may have heard, (spooky) power is being tested and will be released for the upcoming holiday halloween! Power will include smileys, flix and possibly hats.
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween fellow traders. Since Halloween is coming up soon there have been some doodle pictures made of some Trade Staff members in their Halloween costumes. More pictures may be added later on. Ann – http://prntscr.com/3lv4n Bank - http://prntscr.com/3h8y4 Ben - http://prntscr.com/3hp5l Black - http://prntscr.com/3ha2n Bryan - http://prntscr.com/3gp9u Christina - http://prntscr.com/3gqsy Ghost - http://prntscr.com/3gnlo Gold - http://prntscr.com/3h0kv Gordon - http://prntscr.com/3h783 Sean - http://prntscr.com/3k5g7 […]
(kchick) power has been released!
Well if you haven’t already seen (kchick) power has been released. It’s a cute power that give you the ability to use baby chicks smileys! The adorable smileys are: (kchick) (kccrying) (kcdizzy) (kceek) (kcglare) (kclook) (kcsad) (kcsmug) (kctongue) (kcwink) Also you can use these halloween themed smileys: […]
Congratulations to our newest member.
Congrats to our newest member ANDYiCE2011 (235805567). He has done hard work for member so if you see him be sure to give him a thumbs-up!
The new (away) power has been released!
(away) power has been released for 100 xats in the xat store. [ http://xat.com/web_gear/chat/GetPowers.php ] The away icon will automatically come on if you are idle for 5 minutes, or if you do $away=60 (This will set away to 60 seconds for you to go away automatically on the chat…60 is the MINIMUM )
New Power in Testing (away)
The new power called “(away)” is currently in testing. The power was made to show users that you are away in the chatroom. If you are away from the chatroom for more than 5 minutes the away icon will appear on your pawn (if you have the power of course).
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