Funniest Trader winning silly is Bryan Biggest Trader winning Hero is Spider Most Active winning no pc and work: Vale Biggest Horror winning horror: Goku Most peaceful winning peace: Ashley Best Sport winning sport: Trey Best Couple winning heart: Conte/Contessa Best SWAG winning hair: DAFFY Best Gag winning gag: Suspeito Most mysterious winning sins : […]
Magicfx is about to be released!
The new (magicfx) power has been announced to be released sometime in January 14th. It looks like xat is trying to put this power out to the users in a differen’t way. The picture below xat posting the power on the powers page before official release.
Can power has been released!
Can power has been released with these smileys: (can) (canangel) (canbounce) (cancontempt) (canfury) (canoo) (canshifty) (canun) (cantwitch) (canthink) (canum) This power can be used at a gback! Hats: Can Smiley Hat (hat#hc), Can Hat (hat#hn)
Nominate this years “Best Trader”
Do you know someone that you feel worthy of being called Trades Best Trader? This person doesn’t necc. have to have the most in xats, days, or powers. It’s someone that you feel helps trade a lot and its users. No rank is required as we know that guests have a very important role to […]
Dress Your Stuffed Animal Contest!
What’s your favorite stuffed animal? You can show us by dressing it up. Dress the animal up as much as you want. You can dress it as crazy as you want. Be sure to include your register xat name and id on a piece of paper in the photo. The prize is an unknown […]
Trade Trivia Contest!
A bunch of questions are gonna be asked, Daffy and I are gonna be hosting this contest. Whoever answers the questions right wins Xats, to every question they got right. The questions are gonna be about trade. Sucks for you guys, you can’t use Google. (;
Trade’s Anniversary Party!
Alright folks, due to Trade’s Anniversary on the 18th of three years! Yes three years, you read me. Trade Staff is gonna be hosting a party on Saturday the 14th 3pm EST! It will be fun, we’d love it if you joined.
Trade Drawing Contest!
Do you love Trade? If so then make a picture about why you love it so much! The picture must have the words “Why I Love Trade…” on it. It must also include the Trade logo located somewhere on it. Make sure that you put your registered xat name and your id on it. The […]
Trade BG Contest!
Make a background for the Trade chat. The Trade logo must be used somewhere on the bg. This is to be used for Trades Official 3 year Anniversary. The prize will be 2,000 xats. Entries will stop on January 13th 2012. The winner of the contest will be revealed at Trades Anniversary party January […]
Trade Gif Contest!
Make a gif(animated avatar) for Trade. We are looking for the most unique and original ideas so be creative. The prize will be 500 xats. Entries will stop on January 13th 2012. The winner will be Announced on January 14th 2012, at Trades Anniversary party.
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