With a power ID of 243. this new power will allow for you to use 10 sticky-note-themed emoticons and 4 limited pawn codes!
The emoticons that come with this power are as follows:
- (sticky) (stangel) (stdevil) (stattention) (stcool) (stcrying) (stheart) (sttips) (stsleepy) (stwhat)
The limited pawn codes are as follows:
- (hat#hl) — Lips pawn code
- (hat#ha) — Stangel pawn code
- (hat#hd) — Stdevil pawn code
- (hat#hp) — Stpencil pawn code
N.B. These pawn codes are case-sensitive && require the ‘hat’ power as well as the ‘sticky’ power.
If you would like to put a standard hat code on top of one of the limited pawns, all you need to do is replace the ‘h’ character following the number sign (#) in the codes listed above with that of the character used for a standard code.
e.g. (hat#tl) for a baseball cap on top of a lips pawn // where ‘t’ corresponds to the baseball cap code
Price in store: 250 xats
Availability: Unlimited
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