We hope all have a great Valentine’s day , SweetHeart power in the air …!!!
Power Name: SweetHeart
Description: Celebrating Valentine’s Day
Power ID: (271)
Price in store: 200 xats
Availability: UnLimited
Emoticons available with this power:
(sweetheart) (candleheart) (cupidheart) (fourteenth) (keylove) (letterlove) (swans) (treelove) (varrow) (vballoons)
Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes:
- candleheart (hat#hc) , swan (hat#hs) , varrow (hat#ha) , vballoons (hat#hb)
N.B. pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ power, as well
When it will release and is it will be limited or unlimited?