Kick things into gear with Xat’s newest power, ‘KickAll’

With a power ID of 244, this power allows for you to kick ‘guests’ in your chat room in various ways. To use ‘kickall’, enter the following command: /ka N.B. You must be of proper rank in the chat room // this may vary depending on whether or not GControl is enabled / which settings are set If so desired, you may specify a subset of all the guests to kick by adding other characters to the command. — meaning it accepts multiple arguments Where:

  • r signifies that the guests being kicked may also include users who are registered on // as opposed to only unregistered (guests) users
  • m signifies that the users being kicked have not sent a ‘message’ yet
  • t signifies that the users being  kicked are ‘toons’, otherwise known as guests without an ID
  • p specifies that the users being kicked will be kicked from all of the ‘pools’ within the chat room
  • b signifies that the users being kicked are ‘banned’

e.g. Using the command ‘/karp’ would kick all registered guests from all of the pools within the chat room (inclusive of guests that are registered) *NOTE*  [If a user is found abusing this power, there are some ramifications, if you will. You will most likely lose the power && not receive a refund] This power comes with 3 limited pawn codes:

  • (hat#hb) : for the ‘kickall’ pawn
  • (hat#hh) : for the ‘kickall2′ pawn
  • (hat#hs) : for the ‘kickall3′ pawn

N.B. that these codes are case-sensitive && require the respective powers to use them // (hat) and (kickall) You may, if so desired, use these limited pawn codes in conjunction with that of the ‘standard, non-limited’ pawn codes by replacing the first ‘h’ character following the # sign in each code with that of the code of one of the non-limited ones. See the hat wiki page for a list of the currently available hat/pawn codes This power costs 30 days in the store (availability unlimited)

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