4000 (manga) powers will be released for 300 xats then some other 4000 (manga) powers will be released for 260 xats. You can buy 3 every 4 minutes so hurry and get some!
(six) power will release in store!!
Yes you read it right, 1500 (six) power will release in store! ONLY 1500 will be released so dont be late and get your hands on some! [ 1 power per 5 minutes ]
(kdog) has been released!
Xat has finally released the power most of us have been waiting for, the (kdog) power! This power is Limited! Kaoani dog smilies are: (kdcheer) (kdcrazy) (kddead) (kdfit) (kdglare) (kdsad) (kdshocked) (kdsleepy) (kdsmile) (kdtired) (kdwoo)
(bot) power has been released!
The unusual power called (bot) power has been released! For this power I am recommending that you proceed to http://util.xat.com/wiki/index.php/Bot for direct explanation from admins. Brian’s bots, see details here: http://xatland.com/newbot William’s bots, register here: http://willxbot.co.cc/
More Information on the (bot) power!
(bot) power is still being testing because it’s a unique power. Currently the bots are from a third party so xat does not provide those bots for you. It will be a group power [of course].
New owner in Trade!
After all of the hard work and dedication Vale has put into the trading community she has earned herself the position of a permanent owner on the Trade chat. She has truly earned it. Here is a screenshot of the moment when it happened: http://prntscr.com/3lcuu . Congratulations!
Bot power in testing!
Xat has decided to release a power like no others. It’s a bot power that is currently being tested. The only information xat has released so far is that it is power 150, it will come with some bot smileys, and that it will allow you to put a bot to a group.
Xat.mx News.
Hi, so with this post, I’m just letting all the users know that we are gonna be updating the Allpowers set on Xat.mx every Monday, or whenever there is a new power released. And it goes by the minimum prices, and the maximum prices. Tatu and I, are gonna be working on that.
(carve) power has been released!
Well folks, it seems as if xat decided to quickly release a new power for halloween called “(carve)”. Here’s the info. Smileys: (carve) (carveduh) (carvegrin) (carvescream) (carvesly) (carvesmile) Bonus smileys : (dracula) (grim2) (pknhide) (pknhide) has options like: (pknhide#w1) (D#pknhide#w2) Hats: droplet: (hat#ho) cat: (hat#hn) vampire: (hat#hv) spider: (hat#hi) blood: (hat#hl)
(spooky) power has been released!
Get ready to be scared with the new (spooky) power! Smileys: (spooky) (sixeyes) (bat2) (blackcat) (blackwidow) (ghost2) (plant) (hockeymask) (pumpkin3d) Flix: Candles, Organ, Spider. Owl, Evil eyes, Cat (with backgrounds Pumpkins, Owl. Evil eyes, and Cat) Hats: (no hats were found!)
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