Power name: Aliblue Description: Smiles Power Price: 240 xats in store Availability: Limited Smilies available with this power: (gothic) (goth1) (goth2) (goth3) (goth4) (goth5) (goth6) (goth7) (goth8) (gothbat) (gothmeta) (gothskull) (gothwings) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Goth1 (hat#hg) Goth2 (hat#ho) Note: pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ power
Aliblue smiles available soon
Power name: Aliblue Description: Smiles Power Price: 250 xats in store Availability: Limited Smilies available with this power: (aliblue) (aliback2) (alicry2) (alidance) (aliill) (alilove2) (aliredface) (alisad) (alishh) (aliswt) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Aliblue (hat#ha) Aliswt (hat#ht) Note: pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ power
Beastie !!
Beastie smiley power is here for a limited time! It include smilies and custom pawn codes. Smilies are: (beastie) (beastie2) (beastie3) (beastie4) (beastie5) (beastie6) (beastie7) (beastie8) (beastie9) (beastie10) (beastieb) (beastieb3) (beastieb5) (beastieb7) (beastieb9). Limited pawn: Beast1 (hat#hb) Beast2 (hat#he). Get yours today!
New Clouds themed smilies coming
Power Name: Clouds Description: (330) 250 xats in store Availability: Limited Emoticons available with this power: (clouds) (cangry) (ccrying) (cfreeze) (chappy) (ckiss) (clove) (crainbow) (csleepy) (cwindy) (tvback) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Cangry (hat#ha) Clouds (hat#hc) Csleep (hat#hs) N.B. pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ power
Tv Power, Tv shaped smiles, soon in store
Power Name: Tv Description: (329) 275 xats in store Availability: Limited Emoticons available with this power: (tv) (tvskip) (tvread) (tvmad) (tvlove) (tvice) (tveek) (tvdance) (tvcry) (tvconfused) (tvback) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Skip (hat#hr) Tv (hat#ht) N.B. pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ power
Now you can Supercycle your smiles colors, just choice them ;)
Power Name: Supercycle Description: (328) 500 xats in store Availability: UnLimited Emoticons available with this power: (Supercycle) Function: Effects Supercycle works the same way as cycle power. But thats a Super, you are able to choose the colors you wish to use. Cycle power is required to use Supercycle Example of supercycle code: (d#yff0000l23ffff00l47ff9900l71ff0000) Note: only […]
Newest Power the Birthday smiles
Power Name: Birthday Description: (327) 220 xats in store Availability: Limited Emoticons available with this power: (birthday) (bballoons) (bcake) (bcake2) (bconfetti) (bflower) (bgifts) (bhats) (btrumpet) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Baloons (hat#hb) Gifts (hat#hg) N.B. pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ power
Oids power released
Power Name: Oids Description: (326) 250 xats in store Availability: Limited Emoticons available with this power: (oids) (oiwait) (oiswt) (oipunch) (oiouch) (oino) (oifrus) (oieek) (oicape) (oiblank) (oiaww) (oiback) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Oids1 (hat#ho) Oids2 (hat#hi) N.B. pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ power
Valfx Valentine FXsValentine’s Day themed FX smilies and effects
Power Name: ValFX Description: (325) 300 xats in store Availability: Limited Emoticons available with this power: (valfx) (vthrow) (vrain) (vkiss) (vburst) Function: Effects Example of FX in action: (d#vthrow#wHw246). Options: NOTE : You have to add the colors before the options w = start option H = Hearts (object. See list below) w = Pawns 2 = […]
Week Release dedicated to Love , Amore power there !
Power Name: Amore Description: (324) 230 xats in store Availability: Limited Emoticons available with this power: (amore) (glitterheart) (aear) (abee) (acupid) (adove) (aband) (akiss) (toghether) Limited Pawn(s) available to you with this power & their respective codes: Glitterheart (hat#hg) Tbear (hat#hB) Tbee (hat#he) Theart (hat#hh) N.B. pawn codes are case-sensitive and they require the ‘hat’ power
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